Cheatin’ in the kitchen

Puffed sangers in the electric samosa maker
by Martin Field

Our resident genius R&D chef, Beery Mag, has created yet another culinary mistresspiece. She calls it ‘Electric sandwichmaker leftover puff pastries’. (No surprise that Beery dropped out of her copy-writing course early.)

This is one of her variations on the theme. Defrost some sheets of frozen puff pastry. Heat up the non-stick sandwichmaker – one of those with two square compartments, each divided into two triangular sections. Rifle through the fridge for some non-toxic leftovers.

Cut a sheet of pastry into four squares. In the middle of two of the squares place a mound of leftovers – we used about two heaped tablespoons of dhal per square – leaving about half an inch border free of filling. Brush the edges with water then place another square of pastry over each mound of filling and gently press the edges together with the back of a fork to form a square parcel.

Spray the sandwichmaker compartment with olive oil. Gently place the parcels into the machine and close the lid. Cook for 10 to 12 minutes. Eat.

Sick of leftovers? Beery Mag suggests fillings such as mozzarella, chopped mushrooms, oregano and chopped tomato; fresh asparagus and crumbled Gorgonzola. Or, for dessert, finely sliced Granny Smith apples, Demerara sugar, a dusting of cinnamon and a few muscat-soaked raisins. Spanokopita (fetta and spinach etc.) works well as does any filling you’d put into a toasted sandwich.

The wine to accompany electric sandwiches? A chilled fruity rosé will do the trick nicely.

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